Thursday, August 23, 2018

7 key factors which define a luxury glamping tent

What a customer expects when buying a tent

My partner Emilio and me were a day in the office, more than 8 years ago, seated at a table with a blank paper on it and then started to think how our new tent should be.

We decided that the time had come for making a complete redesign of the ancient fashion tent concept.

7 key factors which define a luxury glamping tent
First of all we tried to think as a normal user should do, what would be interesting and what not, what the tents in the market up to date didn’t have and why not. After a few months of a lot of reflexion, discussions, drafts and test pieces, we concluded that a user would expect from a tent same few and simple things, simple as a concept but, as we realized during next eigth years, what was not simple at all was to make them happend.

We conclude the user’s whising list would be something like is:

1) Easines of use: (easy transport and easy and quick assembly, easy opening to enter in and easy closing from inside or outside and minimum work to do, if any, for maintenance during either use or storage.

Ctents structure robust and flexible2) Comfortable: wide interior, luminous, views to the oudside, space enough to move around and for an adult to stand fully upright in most of its surface, no leakages under rain or after it.

3) Durable & robust: top quality materials for structure and fabrics, in order to reach a maximized lifespan; strong under adverse weather conditions, shape kept after a wind stroke, a hail storm or a snowfall.

4) Thermal isolation: reduced temperature in summer, warmer in winter, easy to heat, easy to cool, integrated systems in order to reduce visual impact.

Tent thermal isolation
5) Clean & safe: avoiding the mud, water, dust or sand to enter inside, easy to clean, free of insects or bugs, fresh air inside, no obstacles either inside (no poles in the middle of the cabin area) or around (no guy-lines to keep the tent shape or the fabrics tight).

6) Versatile: for semi/permanent or mobile use, adequate for any kind of terrain or soil, wide variety of sizes and accesories, easy to personalize.

Versatile design of tents

7) Design: not feeling like the last row soldier inside his tent and being pride of its nice design in order to make nice pics and show off them on facebook, instagram or other social networks, a design that differentiates from any other in the market.

Modern and cool tent design

The truth is that while working in our tent project, that we called Ctents, we discovered that the high quality of the materials, the tons of hours of desing, the exquisite handcraft and very specilized team requiered made our tent not a simple one but a luxury tent, so we decided to focus in luxury glamping tent market where Ctents can be easily amortized, even so, we are ready to supply our tents for other uses where their extraordinary quality/price relationship is appreciated by the clients.

Along the incoming weeks I will discover some of the solutions we adopted in order to meet each of these client’s requirements.

Ctents buyer's questionnaire

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