Monday, December 5, 2016

What to expect from a luxury glamping tent?

Craftsmanship and luxury glamping tents, something that shouldn't go separated.
When we think of luxury products we usually think of products that have been developed with care by experienced artisans, of stories of fine craftsmanship, of products which have been produced with time enough, with no hurries, products that can stand for many years to come, that can be distinguished by its high quality and that will differentiate their owners and give them a touch of distinction.

When we hear talk about luxury glamping tents it is becoming more and more common to find that quite a lot of standard tents are considered to be luxury tents only for their inner decoration or the site where they have been set up. 

But, as it happens with a luxury home, a luxury yacht or a luxury car, a standard tent can hardly be considered a luxury one, because it is not only about a fine decoration issue, it is also important to find the signs of luxury in every corner and detail of the tent.

ERebull, the 
 manufacturer of luxury glamping tents Ctents, has brought together several disciplines in order to produce a final product that can be appreciated for its high quality.

First of all the industrial design, Emilio Rebull who studied architecture in Canada, is the designer of Ctents. He has been working in industrial design and architecture for more than thirty years and has put to work all his knowledge on Ctents design.

The company has brought together a group of skilled workers and artisanal workshops specialized in sewing, and metal and fiberglass works like cutting, folding, mechanizing or welding.

Also the Ctents team has make a thorough selection of the materials used in the tents: fabrics, zippers, fiberglass, steel and every single component needed to produce the tent.

A care hand work, piece by piece, allows to reach the highest standards in each detail.

The result: a glamping luxury tent that can stand firmly adverse weather conditions, hundreds of assembly/dissasembly operations and last for years.

Every unit is checked before it is shipped to the customer and the experience of the clients is analized carefully in order to continuosly improve the tents design and performance.

Every detail has been thought having in mind the user's comfort; pieces that are strong and robust enough and that have been made with care and, of course, have been well designed.

A highly experienced team of craftspersons put their wisdom in every detail to reach the highest quality, so clients can be satisfied because they really get what they are paying for.

Find more at and join now the exclusive club of Ctents owners.

by Ricardo Benítez Robredo

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Lightning protection in tents

A tent is expected to be a shelter, be sure it is.

When someone is using a tent, the first expectation is having a place where to shelter when the weather is not friendly enough to be outside the tent, enjoying nature, enjoying a music festival or doing any other outdoor activity, private or public, alone or sharing the activity with hundreds or thousands of people.

Once you have your tent set up , this is the first place you will think going to while looking for shelter when a storm starts.

If it is only a matter of rain, even heavy rain, the trick is to have a good tent which can stand the rain without letting the water getting into, an which is able to avoid any leakage so the water does not disturb you, while you are comfortably sheltered inside your tent.

But, what happens when it is not only about of water but also about of lightning?
Lightning struck
Lightning struck

Lightning strikes are more dangerous than an urban person is usually able to imagine. 

A 2003 report from the Royal Aeronautical Society from Arizona, US, point out that "a tent in a campground with trees nearby is specially unsafe from lightning" and reports 29 cases with 136 casualties and 11 deaths, of which more than a half of killed or injured people were staying inside or nearby the tent.
World lightning distribution
Lightning ditribution

The image shows distribution of lightning around the world in a map from UK Met Office.Statistics by show that more than 44 million of lightning strikes happened in US during 2015, more than 24 in Europe and more than 3 in Oceania.
Graphs: Lightning Strokes
Lightning strikes in the US-2015
Also, the US Army's Guide for Lightning Protective Measures for Personnel, Jan 2002 states that

"The most severe mishaps occur while troops were in the field, sleeping in tents. Lightning then strikes nearby, to a tree or even to the tent pole and the resulting current from the strike affects soldiers nearby."

Past Friday June 3rd, 71 people were injured by lightning at the Rock am Ring festival in the west German town of Mendig, where there were more than 90,000 music fans, many of them hosted under tents.
Rock am Ring festival, at Mending, Germany.

Rock am Ring festival, at Mending, Germany
Rock am Ring festival, at Mending, Germany (
So far, most of the existing tents in the market have metal or carbon fiber poles and this is also a major reason for the lightning danger, these materials are both electricity conductive materials so they act as a magnet for the lightning when it strikes nearby. And it is important to know that a person can be injured while staying nearby it not necessarily touching it.

To improve protection against lightning, tents should avoid having metal or carbon fiber poles. Glass fiber is a good option because is not a conductive material so it will never attracts lightning striking around, avoiding therefore the lightning striking the tent and keeping safer the people sheltered inside. Spite that, it is worthy to remember that only big shelter structures such as buildings or metal-topped vehicles with metal sides should be used as preferred shelter places.

The Us Army guide recommendations should be follow in order to assure protection under storm while lightnings striking.

- Move to a substantial building, a permanent structure, or a structure specifically designed as a lightning shelter. 
- Stay within metal vehicles. 
- Move to a low-lying area.
- Minimize contact with electrical equipment during lightning activity, 

And do not: 
- Remain in an open area.
- Move near tall objects such as trees or poles.
 -Remain in water.
 -Remain near metal fences, tracks, etc
 -Remain on hilltops or other high ground.
 -Remain in tents.

Ctents the only lightning protective tent
Ctents, tent with safer lightning-protective fiberglass structure

And if unable to take shelter, people should move to as low a spot as possible and crouch with feet closely together. Any objects that may produce a metallic upward projection, should be removed and placed horizontally on the ground nearby. 

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Costs reduction for mobile safari owners

With the appropiate tent, the costs for organizing a mobile safari tented camp can be significantly reduced.

Mobile safaris are at top of luxury personalized tourism offers.

But to set up a tented camp in the middle of the African bush, 400 or 500 km away from nearest village is not an easy job.
Usually, the best lodging solution you can offer to your guests at the mobile camp involves more people having to work for preparing the camp as you want to offer a better quality experience. 
Do you want to offer them a wide space inside nice tents for them feeling really comfortable? 
 Then, if you use traditional tents, you have to think on heavier and more difficult to set up tents than if you just want to offer to your guests a place where to sleep inside with minimum space needed. And if your tents have to use guy ropes then your guest will not feel as much comfortable as they could because they will have to be aware the guy ropes to avoid running into them and falling down at night while walking around the tents.
As more people you need to transport and set up the tented camp, more food and more vehicle space are needed, not only for the staff but also to carry the usual heavy tents - what implies more fuel costs –. But these are not the most costly issues, you also will have to pay for your staff personnel entering the national parks or natural reserves. So, it seems to be clear that reducing the number of persons per square meter needed for setting up the tents and the time for assembly/disassembly them, can be valuable enough and can payback fast.
The reduction of setting up and down time, can leave more time to the staff to prepare all the other services for the guests, so they will be able to devote their time to the other issues of the service more easily appreciated by the clients, like dinner or lining, while keeping your staff untired for these other tasks.
But, is it possible to find tents that can offer a wide space inside while being lightweight and can be assembled/disassembled in a short period of time?
These features and more are now offered by newly designed Ctents. 
Mobile safari owners can enjoy now: walk-in solution mosquito net protected, with a wide space inside, incredibly fast assembly/disasembly time, fewer staff per square meter needed to set up or down the mobile tented safari camp, reduced transport space and weight, the possibility to be set up the tents on any terrain without any tool needed; all that, while offering a robust structure and a comfortable space. Also there is an added advantage: as Ctents are modular, several of them can be joined together to offer a wider space to guests and to prepare a large enough dinning room or other facilities for them.
Mobile safari owners will not have to decide anymore about the balance between comfort and the ability to pack the camp into a truck, camel or mule train and move to a new camp location, thanks to Ctents exclusive structural system. 
Just in case you decide the guest have to set up the tents, the easy "color coded" and "just by hand" assembñly system can be used as a funny competition game between them.

By using these new generation tents, you can offer to your clients one step ahead in your mobile safari service while making it easier to go deeper into the African bush and to follow the migratory herds on their annual journey through the different wild open spaces or to travel with the natural flow of the wildebeest.

Resultado de imagen de africa manadas de animales

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