Monday, December 14, 2015

What I need a camping tent for, if I already have my own camper?

Sometimes a bit of freedom helps a lot!

A friend of mine is used to travel with his family on his camper. He is quite happy because he can go everywhere he (or his family) wants.

Even thoug, no everything is so nice, there are some inconviniences. When they have been for several days traveling along their journey, the spaces becomes a bit too small for his children, his wife and himself and it is quite difficult to find an intimacy moment for the couple and even for himself.
Resultado de imagen de camperHe likes the freedom of driving along any road and look for a place to stay overnight. They have their home wherever they go and they do not need to enter into a hotel room that has been used by other people before, or into a bathroom that is no "theirs", even if it is suposedly very clean up after the last guests' stay.

Sometimes during the trip it would be nice to have a private extra site appart from the other members of the family. To be together many days, many hours on a small space is like an ellectrical clowd that is recharging day by day, hour by hour until the thunder explodes. Human beings, even the ones that love a lot themselves as a nice family like my friends' one, need some private space to discharge the extra "electrical charge" accumulated by a long coexistence period of time inside a small space.

He has an extension to make a cover space outside beside the camper, but this is not very comfortable specially in rainy days or very sunny days. When it rains, the extra space doesn't provide intimacy neither is far enough from the camper, so everyone still feels like been over the others.
That is the reason he decided to rent a trailer tent few years ago. He was so happy thinking they were having an extra space to expand their spirits and recharge their good feelings towards the other members of his family. It worked pretty well. When the discussions between children were becoming annoying one of the parents took one of the children outside the camper to the tent, mounted next by the camper, but at a prudential distance. Or when the children wanted to play they could go inside the tent without disturbing their parents in rainy days, also as my friend confessed to me he went a few times to the tent to spend a couple of hours alone, just reading, without his family being around him. 

The system worked quite well. But there was another problem: Carrying all the travel with a trailer tent, behind the camper, was not an easy task. Sometimes he forgot he was carrying it and it started to jump on the not well pavimented roads. It wasn't easy either to find a park space for both the camper and the trailer, and when they went into a camping, the cost went higher than previous years, and, worst!, He had to select very well the places they went and avoid very winding roads, roads without problems for the camper but not so easy to drive with the trailer tent behind. Appart from the extracost in fuel and the difficulties while driving under strong winds. It was like a little nightmare so my frined decided not to use the trailer tent anymore.

Resultado de imagen de driving camper with towingAfter all that expirience he has discover this year Ctents, a tent that provide him and his family a covered space in only 15 minutes and that he can carry inside the locker of his camper. So there is no need to incorporate any trailer to the camper for their holidays, the tent has all what they need, a covered space that can be devided into different rooms, a ground sheet to isolate them from insects or reptiles and, of course, from water or mud, and what is better, an air chamber that reduces the heat outside up to ten degrees Celsius less inside.

Now he can enjoy hos free time with his family and his camper without any of the inconviniences associated with a trailer tent, neither those associated to have not an extra space for the expansion of the family individuals, together or separated.

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Monday, November 16, 2015

How to protect your investment in tents against saline environment of seaside?

Saline environment is one of most demanding environments for tents. Be prepared for not to loose your investment in tents too early!

What are the elements most difficult to protect against saline climate , when working nearby seaside?

The answer is quite simple: Not enough protected fabrics, metals, woods and ropes.

When you are running a resort nearby seaside and you want to maximize the ROI of your tents, you should, prior to invest, be sure to have well checked the features of the tents you are buying. Otherwise you can be surprised for the accelerated aging of your nice tents that can ruin your investment.

A tent has two main components: Fabrics and structure.

So, you should be aware of both being carefully selected, to secure your investment and also the image  of your business and your brand.

Take a break to leave yourfeedback.

First of all you should select rightly treated fabrics for your tent and, of course!, longlasting fabrics. A fabric that loose its colour fast, due to the action of the direct sunlight and the salt coming from the sea breeze, is a fabric that is going to say not much good about your business, a decolorated fabric is saying that you are running a business that has lost its brightness and has invested in low quality products and materials. So, not a very good image for a smart business.

What about ropes? The guy-ropes of a tent allow easily to determine its age, because when they have been exposed for some months to marine air, they appear with more knots they should have and they are frayed at the ends. Also some of their braces do not work any more and have had to be substituded by makeshift pieces.

But the worst thing is for coming:

Resultado de imagen de oxidized steel pipe
The structure. Metal structures are usually oxidized after not much time of exposition to the saline climate of the sea coast. This is because they are incorrectly treated or because  low cost materials have been used on the manufacturing. This can be a major problem, an oxidized structure can be a structure that can break at any moment and,again, doesn't say much good about how the business is run, probably in an oxidized manner.

Pintura del hombre de madera mueble Foto de archivo - 20813705
The wood fortunately does not form part of a quality tent made for helping to have a profitable business, because treating the woods at the seaside in order to avoid their fast aging is very costly and time consuming.

To overcome all these inconvenients, it is useful to devote some time to make a serious selection of the tent you are going to offer to your customers.

Resultado de imagen de white fabric roll
About the fabrics, it is very convenient to check for how long the manufacturer has tested the fabrics and what is their composition and treatments applied, in order to be sure they are not going to be a major problem for the business and they "say" the right words about the owner of the resort.

It is very difficult to guarantee a guy-rope can have a good matureness, it could last most if it is made of steel, but I personally do not recommend it, because its handling can be dangerous and if it frays, it can accidentally hurt the customers, specially if they are kids. My option: Choosing a tent that do not use guy-ropes. 

Resultado de imagen de fiberglass bars
To avoid the oxidization of metals is better not to have them. Plastic structures are not yet very developed at the tent industry (talking about high quality professional tents), they are too weak and not trustable enough. A structure made of solid long lasting materials, as fiberglass, assures that they do not break because of the weakening produced by the rust. another advantage of this material is that they always offer a like-new appearance. And, in case of the structure having any piece of metal, then make sure it is made of stainless or galvanized steel.

As conclusion, to be sure the tents you buy for offering a comfortable stay to your customers are ready to improve the profitability of your business, take the necessary time to check their quality and be certain that the manufacturer can guarantee the quality of their materials.If you liked this article, please recommend it to a friend, thanks! Please leave your feedback.